BLSA CEO’s weekly letter 12 October
POSTED ON: October 12, 2020 IN BLSA CEO's Weekly by Admin
By Busi Mavuso
The medium-term budget policy statement is the first real test of the credibility of government’s commitment to fix our national finances.
BLSA CEO’s letter 5 October 2020
POSTED ON: October 5, 2020 IN BLSA CEO's Weekly by Admin
By Busi Mavuso
SA lost 2.2-million jobs in the Covid-hit second quarter and big companies have warned of thousands of retrenchments to come. It’s time to talk about labour legislation.
BLSA CEO’s letter 28 September 2020
POSTED ON: September 28, 2020 IN BLSA CEO's Weekly, Employment, Energy by Admin
By Busi Mavuso
With the new IPP bid window announced, we’re finally at the cusp of a real change in energy security and a potentially vibrant new economic cluster.
BLSA CEO’s letter 21 September 2020
POSTED ON: September 21, 2020 IN BLSA CEO's Weekly by Admin
By Busi Mavuso
It was striking how much business could agree with labour and civil society groups at Nedlac on the way forward.
BLSA CEO’s letter 14 September 2020
POSTED ON: September 14, 2020 IN BLSA CEO's Weekly by Admin
By Busi Mavuso
My confidence soared when the president showed last week that he’s willing to take responsibility and hold people accountable.
BLSA CEO’s letter 7 September 2020
POSTED ON: September 7, 2020 IN BLSA CEO's Weekly, Energy, Political economy by Admin
By Busi Mavuso
Why is the sense of urgency that government displayed at the onset of the Covid-19 outbreak missing from other areas?
BLSA CEO’s letter 31 August 2020
POSTED ON: August 31, 2020 IN BLSA CEO's Weekly, Economic policy by Admin
By Busi Mavuso
How much more onerous will future loan conditions be if SA doesn’t address its creditworthiness?
BLSA CEO’s letter – 24 August 2020
POSTED ON: August 24, 2020 IN BLSA CEO's Weekly by Admin
By Busi Mavuso
Corruption damages all spheres of society, from service delivery to investment, while it also guts economic growth and increases inequality.
BLSA CEO’s weekly letter – 17 August
POSTED ON: August 17, 2020 IN BLSA CEO's Weekly, Economic policy by Admin
By Busi Mavuso
This is the worst economic crisis of our lifetimes. Labour and business have presented detailed plans, but why hasn’t government?
BLSA CEO’s weekly letter -11 August
POSTED ON: August 11, 2020 IN BLSA CEO's Weekly, Economic policy, Infrastructure, Political economy by Admin
By Busi Mavuso
SA Breweries, Heineken and Consol Glass have frozen R13bn of investment. But that doesn’t begin to reflect how much investment we’re losing.