SA businesses will rebuild but need protection
POSTED ON: July 27, 2021 IN Infrastructure, Political economy, small business by Admin
By Busi Mavuso
I’ve been encouraged to hear some of SA’s businesses, including retailers, speaking of restocking and in some cases rebuilding stores in the aftermath of the protests that quickly spilled into rampant criminality.
Increasing pace of SA’s vaccination programme a welcome sign
POSTED ON: July 26, 2021 IN Covid-19 by Admin
By Busi Mavuso
Without an effective national vaccination programme, there’s certainly no end to this pandemic nor a start to a sustainable economic recovery.
CEO’s weekly letter – 26 July 2021
POSTED ON: IN BLSA CEO's Weekly by Admin
By Busi Mavuso
The resumption of alcohol sales is extremely important for an industry that has been brought to its knees by the ban, as well as the rest of the supply chain from bottlers to restaurants.
Businesses’ strong resolve to address new crisis, new problems
POSTED ON: July 23, 2021 IN Infrastructure, Political economy, small business by Admin
By Busi Mavuso
It’s important that the South African government follow through on plans that are going to be developed following the recent unrest to ensure investment in SA continues.
Covid-19 exposed our inequalities, the protests just deepened them
POSTED ON: July 20, 2021 IN Political economy, small business by Admin
By Busi Mavuso
The implications for rural and township economies, where the bulk of the damage was incurred due to recent unrest, looting and destruction to property, will be far reaching.
The cost of the economic damage will be borne by the most vulnerable
POSTED ON: July 19, 2021 IN Latest news, Political economy by Admin
By Busi Mavuso
The cost of the economic carnage in KZN and Gauteng will be carried by the most vulnerable segments of South African society.
BLSA CEO’s letter – 19 July 2021
POSTED ON: IN BLSA CEO's Weekly, Politics by Admin
By Busi Mavuso
The president’s speech on Friday evening, flanked by the heads of the police and army, was the right message to convey to the public.
Difficult week, but South African institutions endure
POSTED ON: July 13, 2021 IN Economic policy, Political economy, Politics by Admin
By Busi Mavuso
The rule of law took precedence over political prudence. No-one can display the contempt of court that Zuma did without expecting consequences.
BLSA CEO’s weekly letter – 12 July 2021
POSTED ON: July 12, 2021 IN BLSA CEO's Weekly, Covid-19, small business, SOEs by Admin
By Busi Mavuso
Business confidence has had a shot in the arm from several directions at once. The arrest Jacob Zuma and improvements in vaccination rates are some of the reasons why.
Zuma Arrest: signal that institutions of state are working again.
POSTED ON: IN Latest news, Political economy by Admin
By Busi Mavuso
Former President Jacob Zuma’s arrest shows that no individual, no matter how powerful, is above the laws we have created to serve our democracy.