BLSA CEO Newsletter – 30 October 2023
POSTED ON: October 29, 2023 IN by Admin
By Busisiwe Mavuso
The MTBPS therefore is an opportunity to build confidence on several fronts. It can demonstrate fiscal discipline by reining in spending and limiting tax increases or greater debt issuance.
Op-ed: Government cannot spend its way out of a deficit – maintaining fiscal discipline is essential.
POSTED ON: IN by Admin
By Busisiwe Mavuso
National Treasury has been working on improving the regulatory framework that governs public-private partnerships. Appropriate regulation is key.
OPINION PIECE: Business has the most to lose if massive youth unemployment isn’t addressed
POSTED ON: October 22, 2023 IN by Admin
By Busisiwe Mavuso
At a macro-economic level, however, economic growth is the key to addressing youth employment, and that relies on the government creating an enabling environment for investments that build the capacity to generate the earning opportunities that will alleviate youth unemployment.
BLSA CEO Weekly Newsletter – 23 October 2023
POSTED ON: IN by Admin
By Busisiwe Mavuso
AGOA Private Sector Forum provides an opportunity for us in South African business to show how important the business relationships between the two countries are.
BLSA CEO Newsletter – 16 October 2023
POSTED ON: October 15, 2023 IN by Admin
By Busisiwe Mavuso
Despite our many challenges, there are positives for the outlook. Good things come from partnerships, particularly between government and business.
PRESS STATEMENT: A mysterious decline from surplus to dysfunction
POSTED ON: October 12, 2023 IN by Admin
By Busisiwe Mavuso
The crisis at SA’s Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF) threatens to have far-reaching economic impacts.
BLSA CEO Newsletter – 9 October 2023
POSTED ON: October 8, 2023 IN by Admin
By Busisiwe Mavuso
The plans to fix Transnet and Eskom depend fundamentally on business and government being able to work with boards and strong management teams in both entities.
BLSA CEO Newsletter – 2 October 2023
POSTED ON: October 1, 2023 IN by Admin
By Busisiwe Mavuso
We will continue to support government to deliver as long as there is clear progress and evidence that our support is having a material impact on the business environment.