BLSA CEO’s Newsletter – 04 April 2022

POSTED ON: April 4, 2022 IN by Admin

By Busi Mavuso

Unemployment is a strategic focus for BLSA and I want to build on our set of positive interventions that we can look to deliver with government.


BUSISIWE MAVUSO | Remaining COVID restrictions for business are self-defeating

POSTED ON: March 25, 2022 IN by Admin

By Busisiwe Mavuso

We need all businesses to be able to operate at full efficiency for them to contribute to a broader economic recovery that is struggling to get going.


State of the Nation Address 2022: A missed opportunity

POSTED ON: February 10, 2022 IN by Admin

By Busi Mavuso

Business was hoping for a greater sense of urgency and stronger commitment to accelerating both the reform agenda and infrastructure rollout.


CEOs newsletter 24 January 2022

POSTED ON: January 24, 2022 IN by Admin

By Busi Mavuso

South Africa does not have the luxury of fiscal room to continue to absorb economic losses. We need economic growth to recover as fast as possible.


Why we have some good reasons for festive cheer

POSTED ON: December 16, 2021 IN by Admin

By Busi Mavuso

The country desperately needs positive movements as we head into the holiday season with the fourth wave of Covid infections rising alarmingly quickly and tourism and hospitality businesses already hard hit by the international travel bans.


Covid, corruption and civil unrest make for another tough year

POSTED ON: December 15, 2021 IN by Admin

President Cyril Ramaphosa got the year off to a good start in setting the right tone in his state of the nation address where he presented his four overriding priorities: defeat Covid; accelerate the economic recovery; accelerate economic reforms to drive inclusive growth; and fight corruption.


BLSA CEO’s newsletter – 13 December 2021

POSTED ON: December 13, 2021 IN by Admin

By Busi Mavuso

Make no mistake, this year has been the worst we’ve had in terms of energy availability. By November we had faced over 1,000 hours of load shedding for the first time since the crisis began.


Why the Tourism Relief Fund must be revived

POSTED ON: December 9, 2021 IN by Admin

By Busi Mavuso

BLSA supports the widespread calls for the travel bans to be immediately lifted to avert any further damage being done. But the bans have already had devastating consequences on our tourism industry as we head into the festive season


BLSA CEO’s newsletter – 6 December 2021

POSTED ON: December 6, 2021 IN by Admin

By Busi Mavuso

I would like to see every business in South Africa doing everything possible to encourage employees and the wider public to get vaccinated. This is in our own interest as business – we will never be able to confidently get past this pandemic if we do not get vaccination rates up across the whole country.


Vaccination passports the only practical way to keep our economy functioning

POSTED ON: December 2, 2021 IN by Admin

By Busi Mavuso

Thankfully, government didn’t hit the panic button in response to the sudden outbreak of the Omicron variant and President Cyril Ramaphosa’s commitment on Sunday to charting a course for mandatory vaccinations where appropriate is an important step in our war against the virus.