Fiscal reform is just part of a structural reform agenda needed for growth
POSTED ON: November 3, 2020 IN Economic policy, Political economy by Admin
By Busi Mavuso
Fiscal reform is no longer avoidable but is essential for any economic recovery as it will boost confidence.
BLSA CEO letter 2 November
POSTED ON: November 2, 2020 IN BLSA CEO's Weekly, Covid-19, Economic policy by Admin
By Busi Mavuso
The economic recovery plan and MTBPS are, in effect, business plans for the country. What matters now is execution.
Second wave and a return of stricter measures
POSTED ON: October 29, 2020 IN Covid-19, Economic policy by BLSA
By Busi Mavuso
If there is a serious need for further restrictions, then we must act guided by evidence on the type of lockdown we need.
BLSA reacts to the MTBPS
POSTED ON: October 28, 2020 IN Covid-19, Economic policy, Employment, Infrastructure by Admin
Today’s MTBPS speech carried far more significance given the crisis we are in.
State and public-sector unions still have time to reach agreement
POSTED ON: October 27, 2020 IN Economic policy, Employment, Political economy, SOEs by BLSA
By Busi Mavuso
SA’s resolve for fiscal reform will be tested in the #MTBPS as we face up to the unresolved question of public sector wages.
Land reform cannot be tackled with recklessness
POSTED ON: October 26, 2020 IN Covid-19, Economic policy, Employment, Political economy by BLSA
By Tebele Luthuli
The issue of land reform needs to be tackled within the full ambit of the law.
BLSA writes to Finance Ministry ahead of MTBPS
POSTED ON: October 22, 2020 IN Economic policy, Employment, Political economy by BLSA
Business backs a tough medium-term budget.
The overarching goal of the mini budget must be to build confidence
POSTED ON: IN Covid-19, Economic policy, Employment by BLSA
By Busi Mavuso
There is one overarching goal for Finance Minister Tito Mboweni: to rebuild confidence in the economy.
Tourism and its not so rosy outlook
POSTED ON: IN Covid-19, Economic policy, Employment by BLSA
By Busi Mavuso
The focus on tourism in the economic plan is vital.
Growth in employment needs fertile ground
POSTED ON: October 20, 2020 IN Economic policy, Employment, Political economy by BLSA
By Busi Mavuso
Old ideas of waiting for government to create jobs simply won’t do anymore. We need to change the structure of the economy to solve the jobs crisis.