Press release: BLSA concerned at low investment levels and calls for rapid delivery of Economic Reconstruction and Recovery Plan
POSTED ON: June 8, 2021 IN #EconomicGrowthSA, Economic growth, Political economy by Admin
Today’s economic growth figures show that the economy is struggling to recover. While there were some areas that grew, the overall picture shows that much of the economy remains weak.
BLSA CEO’s letter 7 June 2021
POSTED ON: June 7, 2021 IN BLSA CEO's Weekly, Economic growth by Admin
By Busi Mavuso
One area the economic reconstruction and recovery plan is clear on is energy security. As our economy reels from more devastating load-shedding, the urgency of this is ever more apparent.
Land reform: The problem is implementation, not the Constitution
POSTED ON: June 1, 2021 IN Economic growth, Political economy, Politics by Admin
By Busi Mavuso
We need close collaboration with the state to ensure land reform is implemented in a way that doesn’t threaten food security, the agriculture sector and property security.
BLSA, BUSA launch research report into localisation policy
POSTED ON: May 17, 2021 IN Economic growth, Economic policy, Infrastructure by BLSA
Today Business Leadership South Africa and Business Unity South Africa jointly launched a localisation report that seeks to contribute to policy on promoting local manufacturing in SA.
Localisation report
POSTED ON: IN Economic growth, Political economy, small business by Admin
Business Leadership South Africa (BLSA) in conjunction with Business Unity South Africa (BUSA) have launched an important research report into localisation policy. This timely report was compiled by local consulting firm Intellidex and aims to contribute to policy on promoting local manufacturing in South Africa.
Businesses push to minimise impact of Covid-19
POSTED ON: May 7, 2021 IN Covid-19, Economic growth, Economic policy, Infrastructure by BLSA
Businesses across the country have responded with vigour and urgency to help address the economic impact of the Coronavirus.
Businesses inject funds to fight the pandemic
POSTED ON: May 5, 2021 IN Economic growth, Economic policy by BLSA
BLSA members have shown commitment by providing funding into health infrastructure, relief funds, PPE, technology, education and awareness campaigns in communities and workplaces.
SA’s energy expansion and the risk posed by tales of corruption
POSTED ON: May 4, 2021 IN Covid-19, Economic growth, Economic policy, Energy, Infrastructure, SOEs by BLSA
By Busi Mavuso
The procurement of additional and clean forms of power remains a priority as Eskom struggles to meet South Africa’s electricity demand.
Businesses safeguard lives amid the pandemic
POSTED ON: May 2, 2021 IN Covid-19, Economic growth, Economic policy by BLSA
We say thank you essential workers and to businesses that champion the health and safety of our communities.
Better managing our public healthcare infrastructure is vital
POSTED ON: April 22, 2021 IN Covid-19, Economic growth, Economic policy, Energy, Infrastructure by BLSA
By Busi Mavuso
When Covid-19 landed on our shores it was inevitable that the public sector healthcare infrastructure would be stretched beyond its capacity.