State should use timely budget surplus boon to accelerate reform
POSTED ON: October 4, 2021 IN #EconomicGrowthSA, Economic policy by Admin
By Busi mavuso
The news of the surplus is positive and more importantly, it helps regain some credibility in markets for a Treasury that has taken a knock in recent years.
Q3 business confidence figures show the slippery slope
POSTED ON: September 14, 2021 IN #EconomicGrowthSA, Covid-19, Economic policy by Admin
By Busi Mavuso
Last week, we got bits of economic data reflecting the effects of the July unrest. The RMB Business Confidence Index slumped back into negative territory (below 50 points) in Q3, falling seven points to 43.
BLSA CEO’s letter -13 September 2021
POSTED ON: September 13, 2021 IN #EconomicGrowthSA, BLSA CEO's Weekly, small business by Admin
By Busi Mavuso
Following the July unrest, many business leaders want to rebuild, but they cannot do it without a sense that government and the rest of the country has their back.
Join the dots between cadre deployment and state capture
POSTED ON: August 17, 2021 IN #EconomicGrowthSA, Economic policy, Employment by Admin
By Busi Mavuso
Putting the right people in the right jobs is critical for success. This is tougher in politics, where success is much harder to define, than for businesses.
Press release: BLSA concerned at low investment levels and calls for rapid delivery of Economic Reconstruction and Recovery Plan
POSTED ON: June 8, 2021 IN #EconomicGrowthSA, Economic growth, Political economy by Admin
Today’s economic growth figures show that the economy is struggling to recover. While there were some areas that grew, the overall picture shows that much of the economy remains weak.
SA is falling down global league rankings
POSTED ON: June 1, 2021 IN #EconomicGrowthSA, Economic policy by Admin
By Busi Mavuso
South Africa’s “beachhead” advantage of a gateway to Africa, long trumpeted, may be waning.
Technology is driving greater economic growth
POSTED ON: November 20, 2020 IN #EconomicGrowthSA, Covid-19, Economic growth by BLSA
Technology has been key in helping companies adapt to the “new normal” of doing business – and maintaining economic growth!
BLSA and its members give back to communities in need
POSTED ON: November 16, 2020 IN #EconomicGrowthSA, Economic policy by nikiwe
The biggest crises to come out of COVID-19 has been the effects of lockdown on our nation’s most vulnerable communities.
Health crucial in pursuit of prosperous economic growth
POSTED ON: November 4, 2020 IN #EconomicGrowthSA, Economic growth, Economic policy by nikiwe
The COVID-19 crises has amplified the importance of health and safety in organisations.