Busi Mavuso | Selfish economic sabotage by politicians will not help the poor

POSTED ON: January 20, 2022 IN by Admin

By Busi Mavuso

We need to focus on sustainable and real ways to improve the system for the poor.


Deal decisively with unemployment and poverty

POSTED ON: January 13, 2022 IN by Admin

By Busi Mavuso

Each reform and each infrastructure project that is actually rolled out will contribute in their own ways to boosting economic growth, and that is the only way to reduce unemployment.


Eskom’s plan to lease land for private generation shows refreshing innovation with potential to generate up to 20GW

POSTED ON: December 15, 2021 IN by Admin

The aim of this programme is to provide relief to the constrained electricity system in as short a time as possible. Eskom land is generally close to the necessary grid infrastructure and has several regulatory approvals in place to ensure the time to begin development will be far quicker than other land.