Economic reform is for all spheres of society
POSTED ON: May 25, 2021 IN Covid-19, Economic policy, Energy, Infrastructure, Rating agencies, SOEs by BLSA
By Busi
S&P Global Ratings’ decision to leave SA’s rating unchanged is a welcome relief
The year that rudely exposed our decline, even to those in denial
POSTED ON: December 8, 2020 IN Covid-19, Economic policy, Employment, Energy, Political economy, Rating agencies by BLSA
By Busi Mavuso
Never in a million years anyone would have anticipated that 2020 would be shaped by an outbreak from Wuhan City in Hubei Province, China.
Resetting business priorities as we rebuild the economy
POSTED ON: December 1, 2020 IN Covid-19, Economic policy, Employment, Rating agencies, small business, SOEs by BLSA
By Busi Mavuso
As this horrible year winds down to its close, we had better get our priorities right if we are to emerge from this economic crisis.
Ratings agencies fire warnings about lack of implementation
POSTED ON: November 26, 2020 IN Covid-19, Economic policy, Energy, Rating agencies, small business, SOEs by BLSA
By Busi Mavuso
There was no reprieve for SA as our credit ratings were pushed deeper in “junk” status, with ratings agencies implying a lack of faith in our recovery efforts post the pandemic.
Public sector wages – we need a breakthrough
POSTED ON: November 12, 2020 IN Covid-19, Economic policy, Energy, Rating agencies, SOEs by BLSA
By Busi Mavuso
Given revenue pressures, the state, like every household, is going to have to look to reduce its expenses.
Decisiveness called for with our day of economic reckoning just around the corner
POSTED ON: December 2, 2019 IN Political economy, Rating agencies, SOEs by Admin
Call them friendly to the South African story, or more considerate of the structural fault-lines in our economy, for whatever their reasoning, they’ve resisted following the path of their peers. But come next February, it seems we may have run out of rope if promises of the new political dispensation at the helm of the governing party, ANC, aren’t translated into hard decisions.