In solving SA’s energy crisis, we have options

POSTED ON: January 19, 2021 IN , , , , , , by BLSA

By Busi Mavuso
The latest rounds of loadshedding could not come at a worse time as we fret over the surge in Covid-19 cases that already have a significant impact on our economic recovery hopes.


BLSA CEO’s letter 18 January

POSTED ON: January 18, 2021 IN , , , , by BLSA

By Busi Mavuso
The first two bans cost the alcohol industry 165,000 jobs, with the expectation that the third ban might have a similar impact and add more unemployment woes.


Life support must come with reforms

POSTED ON: March 3, 2020 IN , by Admin

It is well past the time to review all of our SOEs and make the necessary reforms to get our focus back on growing this economy in an inclusive manner.