BLSA members commit to greater good

POSTED ON: May 5, 2021 IN , , by BLSA

A shared vision of an economically-sound South Africa post COVID-19 continues to be an inspiration to all BLSA members.

Businesses across the country have responded with vigour and urgency to help address the economic impact of the corona virus.

From multibillion rand contributions by corporates, executives pledging a percentage of their salaries to introducing innovative tech and ensuring vulnerable are protected from hunger.

Business Leadership South Africa (BLSA) members have showed commitment by providing funding into health infrastructure, relief funds, PPEs, technology, education and awareness campaigns in communities and workplaces.

A shared vision of an economically-sound South Africa post COVID-19 continues to be an inspiration to all BLSA members.

Join us in driving the business success that drives our nation’s economy.

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