Expect some good news but the hippo’s mouth is still widen open
POSTED ON: February 23, 2021 IN Covid-19, Economic growth, Economic policy, Employment, Political economy by BLSA
By Busi Mavuso
Finance Minister Tito Mboweni is unlikely to increase taxes as higher growth from the bullish commodity markets boosts state coffers.
Sentiment – it’s no conspiracy
POSTED ON: February 18, 2021 IN Covid-19, Economic growth, Economic policy, Employment, Energy, Political economy, SOEs by BLSA
By Busi Mavuso
There is no ‘conspiracy’ against SA; the poor investment sentiment is a result of poor policymaking and policy uncertainty.
State of the nation priorities are right, but it’s implementation that counts
POSTED ON: February 16, 2021 IN Covid-19, Economic policy, Energy, Political economy by BLSA
By Busi Mavuso
Despite the likelihood of third wave, we can ill afford the full set of crippling lockdown measures that were introduced in the first and second waves.
BLSA CEO’s letter 15 February
POSTED ON: February 15, 2021 IN BLSA CEO's Weekly, Covid-19, Economic policy, Energy, Political economy by BLSA
By Busi Mavuso
There were many positives in President Cyril Ramaphosa’s state-of-the-nation speech last week.
BLSA reaction to Sona 2021
POSTED ON: February 11, 2021 IN Political economy, SOEs, Unemployment by Admin
BLSA agrees with President Cyril Ramaphosa on his four overriding priorities: defeat Covid; accelerate the economic recovery; accelerate economic reform to drive inclusive growth; and fight corruption. A determined focus on those priorities will help to address an array of the country’s problems.
Easing the anxieties of a disrupted state
POSTED ON: February 9, 2021 IN Covid-19, Economic growth, Economic policy, Political economy, Unemployment by BLSA
By Busi Mavuso
It would not be an understatement to say this year’s state of the nation (Sona) will be an extraordinary address by President Cyril Ramaphosa.
BLSA CEO’s letter 08 February
POSTED ON: February 8, 2021 IN BLSA CEO's Weekly, Covid-19, Economic policy, SOEs by BLSA
By Busi Mavuso
The state of the nation address is an opportunity for President Cyril Ramaphosa to set policy objectives and provide clarity on what the rest of the year is going to consist of.
Illicit trade: problems and solutions
POSTED ON: February 5, 2021 IN Covid-19, Economic policy, Employment, Unemployment by BLSA
The illicit trade webinar organised by BLSA heard that the revenue that SA loses every year to illicit traders, who don’t pay taxes and excise duties, would make a significant difference to the country’s economic wellbeing.
Vaccine, then reforms to get the economy going
POSTED ON: February 4, 2021 IN Covid-19, Economic policy, Employment, Energy, Infrastructure, SOEs, Unemployment by BLSA
By Busi Mavuso
The successful rollout of vaccines to health workers will provide the country with an opportunity to redirect its efforts to put the economy back on a recovery trajectory.
Vaccines must be top of Cyril Ramaphosa’s agenda
POSTED ON: February 2, 2021 IN Covid-19, Economic growth, Economic policy by BLSA
By Busi Mavuso
In his previous state of the nation addresses. President Cyril Ramaphosa’s main focus has been to boost confidence by rebuilding an ailing economy and governance in key institutions that were at the centre of corruption over the past decade.