Eyes and Ears, Memeza crime operation yields positive results
POSTED ON: June 10, 2021 IN Economic policy, Infrastructure, Latest news, Media statement, small business by BLSA
Business Leadership SA has hailed efforts by the Eyes and Ears initiative and Memeza crime-fighting project to tackle crime at non-fee-paying schools.
Unemployment reflects the economy’s underlying struggles
POSTED ON: June 9, 2021 IN Economic growth, Economic policy, Unemployment by Admin
By Busi Mavuso
Q1 GDP figures provide further evidence of the economy’s rebound from the devastation of the Covid-19 pandemic that resulted in our worst economic performance in a century.
Press release: BLSA concerned at low investment levels and calls for rapid delivery of Economic Reconstruction and Recovery Plan
POSTED ON: June 8, 2021 IN #EconomicGrowthSA, Economic growth, Political economy by Admin
Today’s economic growth figures show that the economy is struggling to recover. While there were some areas that grew, the overall picture shows that much of the economy remains weak.
Youth day and a ballooning youth unemployment
POSTED ON: IN Economic policy, Employment by Admin
By Busi Mavuso
Next week we will mark 45 years since the June 1976 Soweto protests that would prove to be one of the most important dates in our struggle against apartheid. However, as we head towards Youth Day on 16 June, the official unemployment rate in the 15-34 age bracket sits at 46,3%.
State must be open about restrictions as third wave looms
POSTED ON: May 18, 2021 IN Economic policy, Employment, small business by BLSA
By Busi Mavuso
Growing evidence that a third wave of Covid infections is imminent has dampened the optimism of SA entering the second phase of its vaccination rollout this week.
BLSA, BUSA launch research report into localisation policy
POSTED ON: May 17, 2021 IN Economic growth, Economic policy, Infrastructure by BLSA
Today Business Leadership South Africa and Business Unity South Africa jointly launched a localisation report that seeks to contribute to policy on promoting local manufacturing in SA.
Localisation report
POSTED ON: IN Economic growth, Political economy, small business by Admin
Business Leadership South Africa (BLSA) in conjunction with Business Unity South Africa (BUSA) have launched an important research report into localisation policy. This timely report was compiled by local consulting firm Intellidex and aims to contribute to policy on promoting local manufacturing in South Africa.
Timely commodities bounty should have been more bountiful
POSTED ON: April 8, 2021 IN Covid-19, Economic growth, Economic policy, Employment, Energy, Infrastructure, small business by BLSA
By Busi Mavuso
An extremely tough road lies ahead for our struggling economy in its quest to achieve strong, sustainable growth.
Culture of accountability should augment improved audits
POSTED ON: April 6, 2021 IN Covid-19, Economic growth, Economic policy by BLSA
By Busi Mavuso
To boost consumer confidence levels, we must prevent mismanagement of public funds.
Report shows how SA can repair sclerotic infrastructure delivery
POSTED ON: March 30, 2021 IN Covid-19, Economic policy, Employment, Energy, Infrastructure, SOEs, Unemployment by BLSA
By Busi Mavuso
The infrastructure-led boom in the South African economy prompted by World Cup preparation has unfortunately fizzled out.